At PROGETTO STAMPI srl – Via F.lli Zambon 9/A, Fiume Veneto (PN)
Photovoltaic system composed of 73 power panels of 405 Wp each, total power equal to 29.56 kwp. The plant will also be equipped with a storage system consisting of n. 9 Huawei SmartString Battery LUNA2000-5-S0 5 kWh battery modules.
The surface area of the solar field will be 146 m2.
Purpose of the project:
The plant aims to reduce the company's electricity withdrawal from the national grid.
Expected results:
The expected production of the plant will be 33,270.29 kWh per year and will correspond to a saving of CO2 released into the atmosphere of approximately 14.41 tonnes/year.
Eligible expenditure: €76,130.00
Grant granted: €38,065.00
(of which EU €15,226.00)